What advantages can new boilers offer?

It’s true that price is a key consideration in all of our decisions, but it’s also important to look at the wider picture and what having a new boiler will do for you.

Did you know that your boiler contributes for about 60% of your energy costs? By getting the BEST boiler, you are not only helping the environment but also your wallet.

lower energy costs

You can save up to £300 a year on energy costs by switching to a contemporary, high-efficiency boiler, and depending on the boiler upgrade, customers have reported saving a little bit more than this, which is wonderful to hear.

No More Cover for Breakdowns

With the assurance that a new boiler provides, guaranteed by the manufacturer’s warranty, you won’t need to pay for expensive repair or breakdown coverage from a third party provider, which will save you even more money.

Boost Home Value

More than a third (37%) of individuals purchasing a new house would prefer to have a new boiler or central heating installed, according to GOCOMPARE.COM, which estimates that installing a new boiler can increase the value of your home by up to 4%. Wow, a £1750.00 average cost would result in an expected gain of £8000.00 and a profit of £6250.00, a win-win scenario.

Improve your heating control.

When installing a new boiler, it is usually worthwhile to upgrade your controls because you will have more control and accuracy and a more comfortable environment as a result.

Lower Your Home’s Carbon Footprint

Installing a contemporary, high-efficiency boiler can help reduce the amount of CO2, also known as carbon dioxide, that is released into the atmosphere. We all want to do our part to protect the environment. We can only hope that things will start to move in the right direction because most manufacturers take their impact on the environment extremely seriously, from the packaging to the product’s end of life.

Unsure about which boiler is best for you despite being persuaded? Check out our boiler packages today for the best prices and guidance.

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